Andrew Tate's Genius Marketing Strategy (analyzed)

Andrew Tate, a controversial figure to say the least. Some love him, some loath him. Whatever side you’re on, try to set politics aside. This is an objective study to learn what he did and how he did it. It’s a story of decentralization, affiliate marketing, community programs and, of course, a killer marketing email strategy.

And the fact that this probably isn’t the first time you’ve heard about him, is going to prove all the points I’m going to make.

This is a report on how he got famous, what techniques he used, and why it worked.

And of course, how email plays a BIG role. Heck, he even now has his own SaaS companies to manage his community since he got kicked off Discord and other platforms.

With examples and best practices of his media empire below. Read exactly what strategies Andrew Tate uses.

I will show you how he became the most Googled man on the planet, and how he seems to be invincible and un-deletable from the public eye. How Hustler’s University makes +$4 million a month, and why there seems to be an army of content creators out there sharing his stuff.

Getting Attention Online and Capitalizing On It

Andrew’s early days as a kickboxer are well documented.

Less so, is the first time he went viral.

First and foremost, it’s important to recognize he already was wealthy from a webcam venture and his kickboxing career. So when he started to make videos sharing his viewpoints, he used that as an extra draw. Wealth attracts, nothing new. This was the first lever to accelerate his growth.

Another thing to recognize, whether you agree with him or not, is that he is a man who is not afraid to share his thoughts. They were so polarizing, that they were bound to garner attention, for better or worse. People started reacting, sharing, condemning, praising, … his videos.

This is the power of a great headline.

A TikTok titled “You’re not a real man if you eat sushi” is bound to get some clicks. From there, the ball started rolling.

This is not the original but you get the idea:

You can sum up his early notoriety like this:

In a generally politically left-leaning internet world, he took a hard right. People noticed, gave him attention and he double-downed.

A controversial tactic? Perhaps. But all PR is good PR. If you can weather the storm that is. And, honesty attracts. He shares his own version of honesty in a real way. Audiences are always attracted to that.

And, he knows his audience. Young men (primarily). And what do young men want? Money, girls and power. He knows that, he has that, and he shares that with the world.

Flouting his wealth and going against the grain, hard.

Two early levers to his success (which he still uses to this day).

Leveraging His Audience

At this point in the story, he has his early fans. There are 2 things you HAVE TO DO to get an audience, and it’s very simple:

  1. Attract them
  2. Give them value

We covered the first one. Now, he will start to give them value beyond just his content. He starts creating courses on the things his audience wants. He made a course on how to pick up women (he called it the PhD, Pimpin' Hoes Degree). He made several on how to start an online business, …

Presumably, the courses are valuable as he claims he sold a lot of them. He gave his audience extra value. But there was something bad looming on the horizon. Something dark, daunting, …


In 2021, he was kicked off of each and every social media platform you know. A combination of ‘hate speech’ and some videos did the trick. A big issue, his inflow of new followers was cut short. This wasn’t the first time someone got canceled. And Andrew wasn’t going to let this be the end of it.

If anything, here’s where I personally feel his real genius shines.

He found a way to give his fans even more value, while also gaining from it. Instead of just offering them courses & extra content, he would start to involve them.

I wrote an article on the Very Best Email Marketing Quotes and this one by Confucius (I know lol) reminds me of it:

"Tell me and I will forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I will understand.”

He essentially created an affiliate program to sell his online courses, which he still uses to this day more than 5 years later, now called Hustlers University.

He created a program where he urged his followers to create clips of his content and spread them on their own social media platforms. An affiliate program sign-up to his course, would net them a 50% commission on the sale.

This spread like wildfire. Instead of just one Andrew Tate channel, there were now thousands. Tate Wisdom, TopG Lifestyle, King Andrew, … any name under the sun. He sailed around the ban and his content spread further than ever before.

Here's a clip of him talking about it:


Tate on a podcast talking about it

Farming an Audience

With his content being viewed by more and more people, he became even more popular online. Some podcasts and creators started to now pick up on his fame.

As always, 1+1=3 in this case, and they saw an opportunity.

The podcast wants more viewers, so they interview someone who’s currently famous. The famous person comes on the show, and a new audience gets introduced to their content.

He leaned even harder into the controversial statements, and his fame grew and grew.

Every talk show, podcast, or interview he went on just increased his follower base, who then got introduced to his courses, which they then started sharing in the affiliate program deal.

An exponential growth engine started to form and work in full effect.

How To Deal With ‘Woke’

Haters will call it hate speech. That’s also what the ‘woke’ people call it. And the hundreds of news outlets and online creators condemning him.

Again, try to reserve your political feelings for this next segment. Let us just analyze what’s happening with the ‘woke’ crowd.

I don’t even know if the word ‘woke’ is derogatory at this point. That’s the whole difficulty with that movement, there are no clear boundaries for better, ànd for worse. You can’t win. It’s always offending someone or some idea.

No one knows what’s hate speech and what isn’t. It’s also hard to know what would offend someone. Jordan B. Peterson famously said in an interview “In order to think you have to risk being offensive.” And people think by debating and talking about things.

So how does Andrew deal with ‘woke’ and hate speech accusations? He doesn’t. That’s it. He just largely ignores it. Or he might explain why he doesn’t agree and then moves on.

He also never, ever apologizes. Because he knows when the words “I’m sorry about…” come out of his mouth, he will lose face. He might say he has reconsidered and would do things differently this time, but he will never apologize.

Make Them Want More

At this point in the story, Andrew is the most Googled man on the planet. Mainstream media channels are now covering him, only adding fuel to the fire. His growth engine is dialed into perfection.

So what’s next?

You make them want MORE.

This is nothing new! When Metallica goes off stage the +80.000 people start chanting “WE WANT MORE, WE WANT MORE, WE WANT MORE.” And they come back out, and play the final 3 songs you’ve been waiting to hear all evening, and you feel fulfilled.

That’s all a person wants really.

With Tate, he did the exact same thing. Only in his case, he created a more expensive, more niche program than Hustlers University, called The War Room.

To join you need to pay $8.000. They will manually review your entry and you can be kicked out without reason at any time. I’ve heard they periodically kick the bottom 10% of people, just to stay competitive. The total number of War Room members has not been revealed. And there’s also no affiliate program for this one.

Another controversial tactic? I’d go as far as to call it incredibly smart.

In March of this year (2023), Hustler’s University counted over 80.000 members. At $49,99 each, that’s $4.000.000 a month, nearly $50m a year, just from this alone.

Obviously as explained before, a good portion of that will go to members advertising.

Shrouded in Mystique

Another thing the Tate brothers do well, is that they manage to keep at least 10% of their life shrouded in mystery. Recently they’ve gone out and said they both have children. But they haven’t said how much, or with whom. They probably have a number of other businesses that we don’t know about.

Screenshot from a tweet

This is brilliant. It keeps him fresh & new. There’s always something else to explore. A new angle, a new item to report about, a new controversy, …

The power of ‘unanswered questions’ can’t be overstated. It’s a way to create fascination, curiosity. The War Room mentioned above also uses this technique. You’re not exactly sure what it is exactly, and that’s why it’s attractive.

His Brilliant Marketing Team

It goes without saying, he doesn’t do all of this alone. I’d wager he has a team of 10 to 50 people running his media empire. Anything from graphic designers, to copywriters, event specialists and a whole dev ops team.

Let’s take a couple of good and bad examples to see what we can learn.


Let’s start with something that doesn’t seem done all to well. Hustlers University, Cobratate, The War Room, Tate Confidential, The Real World, TopG, DNG, TateSpeech, Tales of Wudan, …

There are probably a dozen more. Why? I’d be tempted to call this an oversight, but Andrew just doesn’t seem like the type of guy who makes many of those. Could it be by design?

We could use the same argument as above, always coming up with a new angle to keep mystique high and thus creating curiosity… But then again, he even has different variations of his logo…

To be honest, I’m not entirely sure. Feel free to let me know your thoughts on Twitter (


Now an undoubtedly strong example, is his copywriting. We should probably make a full-blown study on the successful content marketing of Andrew Tate. But let’s start with this, a recent newsletter of his:

Let’s analyze this email:

  • Lack of branding: this is for sure by design. His whole brand is built on his word. His email doesn’t need a logo, you should be abe to tell right way that it’s from the TopG.
  • Short sentences: people scan emails, they don’t read every word. So make your sentences short, snappy and easily scannable
  • No design: this goes with the first point. KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid. Easy font to read, black on white, one clear link to click, and a simple unsubscribe link. That’s all.

Here's another example from a course product of a person who decided to churn. It's quite aggressive:

Tweeted by @dvassallo on X (Twitter)

To be clear, this style wouldn’t work for anyone. It’s very direct, but on brand for Mr. Tate. Think about what would work for your brand, but do apply this principle of sticking to it.

I’m reminded of another quote from the blog I mentioned earlier:

“You sell on emotion, but you justify with logic.”

Look how he applies that emotional selling to everything. “Own a piece of history,” who isn’t triggered by that? There are many more examples like that one, found literally everywhere on his many websites.

Embracing hypes

Another thing he does exceptionally well is embracing hype cycles and going all out. When the AI buzz started happening just before January 2023, guess who launched a course on how to use it and make money from it?

I’m also pretty sure every visual for Tales of Wudan has been AI-generated.

What’s Next for Andrew Tate?

Andrew will continue to go upstream with his audience (customers). He has already built his own independent platform (as Discord kicked him out), and his own payment processing software (as Stripe booted him also).

I think he’s going to start creating more software around the courses he creates. Perhaps an AI-powered copywriting tool, his own e-commerce platforms or a freelancing agency.

This way, he can extract more $ from his users and give them more value. He also already has an audience to sell these tools too, which gives him an incredible leg-up on the competition. We’ve seen the same with Mr. Beast’s hamburger restaurant, or Prime Energy by KSI and Logan Paul.

Let’s see if my prediction runs through.


Now you know how to market like the TopG Andrew Tate. Here’s a final rundown in a few bullet points:

  • Be unapologetically you: If you have an opinion, say it and say it loud. If you’re strong enough to weather the storm, the audience will form.
  • Know your audience: Once you have an audience, know what makes them tick. Then repeat.
  • Farm an audience: Learn where your audience hangs around, partner up and siphon them to your own programs.
  • Make them want more: Always have another product or service just out of reach. Make them convert to a cheaper one and dangle the real money-maker in front of them.
  • Stay mysterious: Always have an ace up your sleeve. Let a part of you be shrouded in mystery and come out with some new thing every once in a while.
  • Surround yourself with talented people: Once you’ve done to leg work, it’s time to expand and let a team maximize your potential.
  • Make sure to write killer copy. In emails and online.

This has been my analysis of Andrew Tate’s marketing genius. Do you agree, or disagree with something? Let me know your thoughts on Twitter (

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